Spa for the Soul

Have you ever uttered such a prayer in the midst of a desert experience? Do you long for a balanced life where body and soul are in harmony as God intended? Then pamper yourself with a spa for your soul — a journey of seeking health physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Since the word ‘spa’ comes from the Latin acronym salus per aquam – health by water – you are encouraged to draw near to God as He leads you ‘beside still waters and restores your soul’ (Psalm 23). Spa for the Soul takes you through various spa treatments both figuratively and literally as biblical stories and practical examples are used to offer encouragement and rejuvenation both inside and out. Each chapter includes a discussion and application section – Spiritual Personal Assessment – which can be done alone or in a small group setting. Join us on a journey through the many ‘spa treatments’ as we together seek balance in our lives so that we indeed might be all God created us to be — whole, healed, empowered and healthy!


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Weight 14 oz





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