The Down & Up Fall

Grades 3 & up; ages 8 & up

Can true friendship conquer jealousy?

Bolivia, Rory, and Derek are back together again! When Bolivia’s parents head off to Turkey on an archaeological dig, Bolivia goes to stay with her aunt and uncle-in the same town where her two friends live. Whether they’re taking care of a litter of abandoned kittens, coping with poison ivy, or getting drenched in a simulated classroom rain forest, there’s always adventure afoot. But when Bolivia befriends a girl named DeDe and a boy named Aldo, watch out! Rory’s possessiveness may ruin everything, unless Bolivia can show him that it’s possible to make new friends and keep the old.


1 in stock


Written by Johanna Hurwitz; illustrated by Gail Owens

Additional information

Weight 15 oz






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