The Nonesuch Guide to Electronic Music

The classic introduction to and survey of electronic music. Most tracks are short, deconstructed pieces of songs. All work was realized on the Moog Series III Synthesiser. A pdf file of the original vinyl release booklet can be downloaded from CCM’s website.

The track duration is taken from the cover, but later reissues have other track durations for many of the tracks.


1 I. Peace Three 3:08
Signal Generators
A. Signal Waveform
2 Slow-Motion Audible Example 0:05
3 Composition 0:50
4 Harmonic Synthesis 0:33
5 Non-Harmonic Synthesis 0:47
B. Sawtooth Waveform
6 Slow-Motion (Neg and Pos-Going) 0:12
7 Composition 0:34
C. Rectangular Waveform
8 Slow-Motion Audible Example (1,8-1,2) 0:33
9 Composition (Using 1,8, 1,7, 1,3, 1,2) 0:41
D. Triangular Waveform
10 Slow-Motion Audible Example 0:05
11 Composition 0:20
12 White Sound Composition 0:13
III. Control Generators
13 A. Transient Generator, Amplitude, Frequency, And Timbre Modulating In Slow Motion 0:08
14 B. Sequential Voltage Sources, Composition 1:56
IV. Frequency Modulators
A. Keyboard Control
15 12-Tone 0:36
16 Quarter-Tone (One Real Octave = 2 Keyboard Octaves) 0:40
17 Ditone (Four Real Octaves Played In Keyboard Range Of One Octave) 0:21
18 Portamento 0:30
19 B. Ribbon Control
C. Periodic
20 Vibrato (S) (Speed Increases As Pitch Rises) 0:28
21 Sine – Higher Frequency 0:27
22 Sawtooth – Swept 0:38
23 Rectangular 1,2 – Swept (L2) 0:32
24 Triangular – Swept 0:31
D. Periodics Combined
25 3 Square Waves At Different Frequencies 0:28
26 3 Triangular Waves At Different Frequencies 0:37
27 Different Waveforms 2L 2N 2V 2S At Different Frequencies 0:46
28 E. White Sound 0:12
F. Transient
29 Up An Octave, Back To Pitch 0:17
30 Up A 3rd, Back To Pitch 0:07
31 Down An Octave, Back To Pitch 0:09
32 Down A 3rd, Back To Pitch 0:13
V. Amplitude Modulation
33 A. Keyboard 0:13
34 B. Ribbon Controller 0:10
C. Periodic
35 Tremolo 0:25
36 Sine-Higher Frequencies (S Sweeping S) 0:47
37 Sawtooth (Negative- And Positive-Going Swept) 1:20
38 Rectangular-L2 Swept 0:28
39 Triangular-Swept 0:50
D. Periodics Combined
40 4 Square 0:44
41 3 Triangular 0:23
42 4 Different Ⓢ, Ⓝ, 2l, Ⓥ 0:23
43 E. White Sound 0:38
F. Transient
44 Slow 0:08
45 With Rising Pitch 0:15
46 ∧∧∧∧∧ 0:14
VI. Ring Modulation
A. Sine Waves
47 Series Of Sub-Audible Constants 2:00
48 Tune In Parallel 0:40
49 Tuned In Opposite Direction 0:30
50 B. Sawtooth 0:33
51 C. Rectangular L2 0:39
VII. Filtering
52 A. White Sound – With Fixed Filters Selected 3rd Octave
B. White-Sound-Tuned Filters
53 Broad 0:43
54 Sharp 0:25
55 C. Low-Frequency Sawtooth-Tuning Through Harmonics 1:05
56 D. Composition-Tuning Through 2nd, 3rd, 7th And 16th Harmonics 0:50
57 E. Swept With Ribbon Controller 0:40
F. Periodic
58 Sine-Timbre Vibrato Effect 0:25
59 Sine-Variable Rate And Depth 0:36
60 Sawtooth (Descending And Ascending) 0:50
61 Rectangular 0:25
G. Transient (Sawtooth With Transient Controlled Filter)
62 —————– (Sawtooth with Transient Controlled Filter 1) 0:12
63 —————– (Sawtooth With Transient Controlled Filter 2) 0:10
64 —————– (Sawtooth With Transient Controlled Filter 3) 0:09
65 —————– (Sawtooth With Transient Controlled Filter 4) 0:08
VIII. Tape Delay
66 A. Single Repeat 0:13
67 B. Multiple Repeat 2:55
IX. Peace Three
68 (Recap)

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Light wear to jewel case, including  some faint scuffing. CD is in VG condition and plays well.

by Paul Beaver and Bernard L. Krause

PBBK-NONE || loc. o:dsk

Additional information

Weight 11 oz





Recording Label

Collectors' Choice Music


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