
Road Warriors: Dreams and Nightmares Along the Information Highway

Having gained extraordinary access to some of the most powerful CEOs and visionary architects of the Information Highway, Daniel Burstein and David Kline take readers on a gripping tour of what is perhaps the greatest business battle in history: the fight for supremacy in the new media and information markets of tomorrow. At stake in this corporate grand prix is the fate of every company with an eye on the future – and by some measures, a $3-trillion-a-year supermarket of new products and services that may become the biggest sector of the new economy.
The authors analyze the strategies and tactics necessary to ensure a company its place in this fast-changing competitive environment. They also pose questions about the enormous cultural, social, and political conflicts engendered by this new technology revolution and its ability to kick-start a social and economic renewal. From marketing in cyberspace to the future of the Internet, Road Warriors, at once intriguing and troubling, is the book about the Information Highway and all its promise and challenges.

$3.50$4.50$2.98$3.83 ( Box\'s Book Fair Fundraiser )


Written by Daniel Burstein and David Kline

DBDK-ROAD || loc. f/o/dup

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Weight 19 oz







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